Friday 9 August 2013


Bussels is the head quarter of  Belgium, and it has is own,architetura creation for excellent view,the habitat there are mainly french speaking part,while the people who live in Antwerp do speaks nederlands,or other wise called dutch,however the Governments,functions very well,iterms of public related matters.

In Brussels,there are lots of sites seen and it,is densly populated Area in,Belgium.Due to its,architetura design and functions as well as,a place non as the head quaters,there are lots of fun to catch up with,like good resturants,Belgium food,Turkish food,African food Asian food,American type of quick take away.e.t.c.bedside there are always bus spacially recomended for turism usually station arround the train station or in the central city locations which can take you arround the city for site seen for  a little cost you can also buy the ticket in the train stand or by the entrance of the bus there are always easy access to facilitate your comfort

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